Spring Waterbird Count: Week 7

A significant flight of migrating loons was the highlight for this week. Over 600 Common Loons were tallied, including an impressive 236 headed West past McGulpin Point on 5/5/2023. This significant push included multiple flocks of 10+ individuals. A handful (7) of Red-throated Loons were observed as well.

Red-throated Loons – Graham Point 05/07/2023

On calmer days, loon calls now echo throughout the Straits area. Thousands of distant staging Long-tailed Ducks are also highly vocal and can be heard from the shoreline. 

A particularly exciting moment this week occurred from Graham Point, as a scoter flock passed by with all three North American species! This group included two Surf, 23 White-winged, and the first Black Scoter of the spring. 

Common Terns have returned in substantial numbers. A nesting colony of this species is located around the corner from Graham Point (near St Ignace). Throughout the day, male Common Terns offer fish to females resting along the shoreline, helping to strengthen their pair bonds. 

Considerable movements of Bonaparte’s Gulls continued into this week. Notable sightings also included a fourth pair of Trumpeter Swans for the count.

Greater Scaup – Graham Point 05/05/2023

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