In the spring, winds from the south or east generally lead to increased waterbird movement. Numerous productive counts this week were attributed to a string of these favorable winds.
A strong East wind staged an exciting count from Graham Point on 04/15/2023. A sudden early afternoon push of grebes resulted in 339 Red-necked and 40 Horned Grebes for the day. Also tallied were high counts for many dabblers, 2 Trumpeter Swan, 13 Tundra Swan, and a surprise Harlequin Duck! Harlequin Ducks are rare but annual on the Great Lakes during winter and migration.
Significant flights of Canada Geese have begun, with over 1000 counted this week. A single Snow Goose landed briefly to rest at Graham Point on 04/11/2023, before continuing Northeast alone.
Gull diversity has increased notably. Flocks of Bonapartes Gulls, now in breeding plumage, are sighted almost daily. An immature Great Black-backed Gull and Glaucous Gull each made an appearance for the count.
During spring migration, there are many excellent locations in the area to view staging waterfowl. For example, an impressive variety of birds use the Straits State Harbor for rest and shelter. On 04/14/2023, a Snow Goose and Cackling Goose were found here, among the many Canada Geese.