Spring Waterbird Count: Week 3

Diversity for the count continues to be fantastic. The Straits area (and local hotspots) are currently brimming with ducks. Average daily counts for all species of waterfowl have increased substantially.

Numerous days have included all 5 species of aythya common to Michigan. Groups of scaup, Ring-necked Ducks, and Canvasback can be easily hidden within larger flocks of passing Redhead.

Ring-necked Ducks – Graham Point 04/05/2023

This week has also offered exciting counts of dabbling ducks. Small groups of Northern Pintail and American Wigeon have been observed almost daily. Flights now include Gadwall and both species of teal. Teal will mix readily with other flocks of migrating ducks.  

Both Horned and Red-necked Grebes have reappeared! During busy counts, flocks of these species are spotted in active diurnal migration. Grebes have a unique body shape and often appear panicked in flight. 

Swans sightings are becoming more frequent. A group of four Tundra Swan and a second pair of Trumpeter Swan were highlights for the count this week. Mute Swan are observed regularly. 

Worth noting, a Snow Goose was found at Pt Labarbe on 04/07/2023, resting with a small group of Canada Geese. 

Common Mergansers – Graham Point 04/05/2023

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