During week 8 the raptor migration at the Straits was strong, with some beautiful warm days encouraging good movement.
The total number of raptors counted this week came to 5,449, upwards of the 4,422 count from last week and a significant increase from 2023 (1,222 raptors counted over the same period). Broad-winged Hawks were by far the most sighted raptor this week, overtaking the Turkey Vultures and Red-tails, and accounting for 69% of week 8’s count. Sharp-shinned Hawks were the second most common raptor, at 12% of the total birds.
We continue to see Golden Eagles, especially immature birds, although it is late in the season for them to be viewed in migration. 36 Golden Eagles were sighted in total this week.
Other interesting notes for week 8 include seeing a Short-eared Owl, along with first of season Vesper Sparrow, Palm Warbler, and Black-throated Green Warblers all on 4/23 (also the busiest day of the week). The first Brown Thrasher for the 2024 migration was sighted on 4/24, the first Bank Swallow on 4/26, and the first Northern Rough-winged Swallow was sighted on 4/27.
We hope to continue seeing a strong migration and more interesting birds in week 9.