Spring Raptor Watch: Week 7

Week 7 displayed a moderate migration, slowing from week 6 amid variable winds and a mix of sun and cloud. The count for this week ended at a total of 4,422 raptors counted (no count occurred 4/17).

The busiest migration day of the week was 4/14, totaling 1,231 raptors, followed by 4/16 and 4/15, while the days with less desirable weather showed fewer birds moving.

The most sighted species this week were again Red-tailed Hawks and Turkey Vultures at 32% and 29% of total sightings respectively. Broad-winged Hawks are now moving in significant numbers, despite the first sightings occurring the last day of week 6 on 4/13. In total Broad-winged Hawks were counted 1,082 times, making up 24% of week 7’s numbers and making this species the third most sighted this week.

Firsts for week 7 include a dark morph Swainson’s Hawk on 4/15. Firsts of non-raptors sighted were a Ruby-crowned Kinglet on 4/14, Chipping Sparrow on 4/16, and Pine Warbler and White-throated Sparrow on 4/19. The second and third Goshawk of 2024’s spring count also made appearances.

As we look forward to week 8 of the spring 2024 Mackinac Straits raptor watch we hope to see more strong flights. Thank you to all our visitors this week for coming out!

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