Spring Raptor Watch: Week 3

Colder weather, strong winds, and a lull in the migration characterized week 3 of the Spring Raptor Watch. Two days were cut short due to weather conditions. The count this week totaled 108 raptors, compared to 792 raptors during week 2 and 347 raptors in week 1.

Despite the unfavorable conditions to migration, some notable events included the first Peregrine Falcon of the season seen on 3/18. Substantial passerine activity was noted on 3/19 including sightings of 154 Common Grackle, 166 Snow Bunting, and 18 Bohemian Waxwing. Only 4 raptors were sighted in total on this same day. On 3/21, Calvin sighted a Cooper’s Hawk numerous times, performing a courtship flight near the watch.

Bald Eagles were the most sighted raptor this week, numbering 40 individuals and making up 37% of the total observations for week 3. Golden Eagles were the second most numerous, at 30 birds. The first Peregrine Falcon of this season was sighted on 3/18, while two more were also seen crossing the straits on 3/21 and 3/23.

With the forecast calling for warmer weather in the week ahead, we hope to see higher numbers of raptors migrating as we wrap up the final week of March for the 2024 spring raptor watch!

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