Spring Raptor Watch: Week 12

Throughout week 12 of the Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch was a mixed bag of active, busy days, and slow days. The total number of counted raptors this week was 8,288, an impressive jump from only 3,325 counted during the same span in 2023.

Broad-winged Hawks remain the most sighted raptor over the straits, making up 89% of the count for week 12. The Broad-wings numbers are followed (not closely) by Turkey Vultures, Red-tailed Hawks, then Bald Eagles.

May 19 was the first and busiest day of the week, with the raptors making the flight over the straits with the help of some excellent weather. Large kettles of over 100 birds were sighted multiple times over the course of the day. Some dark-morph Red-tails were also noted as an interesting addition.

May 20 was a slow day, likely due to impending rain. The following day, 5/21, was much better for the raptors. There was a rapid buildup with more kettles starting in the late morning, into the early afternoon before slowing towards the end of the day.

A bit of back and forth colored this week, as 5/22 was another slow day, featuring strong winds before another busier day on 5/23. The flights built up quickly on 5/23, on strong winds, and it stayed busy until near the end of the day’s count. This day offered some good looks at the raptors, as they flew low due to the brisk wind.

May 24 was similar to 5/23, with some more diversity in raptors including Osprey, Cooper’s Hawk, Swainson’s Hawk, and American Kestrel. Finally, the back and forth ends the week with another slow day on 5/25. The count time was short due to rain early in the day. Of the 377 birds counted on 5/25, most were seen when the clouds cleared at about 2pm.

Week 12 was varied but certainly interesting! Two more weeks to go for the spring 2024 Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch! Be sure to check out our counts for the remainder of the season!

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