Spring Raptor Watch: Week 11

Week 11 has already come and gone as we come closer to the end of our spring Raptor Watch! The migration this week saw some good, active movement of birds, seemingly eager to move after the impractical conditions of last week. The total number of raptors counted this week came to 6,728.

Broad-winged Hawks are still dominating the migration, with their numbers making up 82% of the count for week 11. Turkey Vultures and Red-tailed Hawks were sighted in very similar numbers (459 and 456 birds counted respectively).

The week started out with a light flight due to imperfect conditions (showers, varied wind on 5/12), then took off on 5/13. We hit a new record for number of Swainson’s Hawks in a season after 2 were sighted on 5/13, bringing us to 6 total Swainson’s for 2024! The next couple of days saw steady if somewhat slower flights. May 17 was more active again, including several season’s first songbirds such as Alder Flycatcher, Eastern Wood-pewee, Wilson’s and Blackpoll Warbler, and Grasshopper Sparrow.

Overall week 11 was a solid and interesting week for the 2024 Spring Raptor Watch. Just 3 more weeks to go! Thank you for your continued support!

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