Spring Raptor Watch: Week 10

Week 10 of the 2024 Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch has now concluded. The total number of raptors this week ended at 13,102 birds sighted. Sunday, 5/5 was the busiest day at 8,031 birds, with a decline in numbers for the remainder of the week.

Broad-wings are still making up the majority of the raptors. Their numbers this week made up 83% of the count with 10,861 birds making their way across the Straits. May 5 had the highest number of Broad-winged hawks this week. Red-tailed Hawks were the next most sighted bird at the count site, at 941 birds.

Weather was variable for most of the week, from sunny to rain and everything in between. The scattered and slower flights from later in the week are likely partially due to these uneasy conditions.

Despite the late week slow in the migration, on 5/7 we broke the record for Golden Eagles counted crossing the straits in the spring season! At this time, 377 total Golden Eagles have been counted, and we will keep an eye on the overall number for the 2024 spring raptor watch.

Overall, week 10 was a solid migration.

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