
Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch greatly appreciates the following Institutional Donors, Honorary Gifts, and Raptor Partners. Please visit and support these Raptor Partner businesses and organizations. Their financial support helps MSRW achieve its goals of researching birds of prey and inspiring people to care about them.

2024 - 2025 Raptor Partners

Chippewa Valley Audubon Club

Grand Traverse Audubon Club

Irish Boat Shop

Keyhole Bar and Grill

Petoskey Plastics

U.P. State Credit Union

2023 - 2024 Raptor Partners

Audie’s Restaurant

Carp Lake Women’s Club

Chippewa Valley Audubon Club

Irish Boat Shop

Mayberry Gardens Landscaping

Petoskey Regional Audubon Society

Straits Area Audubon Society

Thunder Bay Audubon Society

Wheeler Motors

Foundations / Institutional Donors

Enbridge Inc. – currently sponsors our hawk and waterbird counters

Henry E. & Consuelo S. Wenger Foundation – currently sponsors our Motus Tower Project

Mackinac Island Community Foundation – currently sponsors our Spring hawk counter on the island

Mackinaw City Woman’s Club – currently sponsors our raptor naturalist

Petoskey Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation – currently sponsors our owl banding station

In Honor of Steve Baker: from Citizen’s National Bank

In Honor of Russ Edmonds: from 3M

In Memory / Honor Of

In Memory of Kathy Bricker: from Karen and Joe Busch

In Memory of Kathy Bricker: from the Staff at Williams Office Equipment

In Memory of Peggy Campbell: from Bev and Jack Kirby

In Memory of Peggy Campbell: from Hannah Paschall

In Memory of Peggy Campbell: from Katrina Ryan

In Memory of Peggy Campbell: from Esther Summers

In Memory of Peggy Campbell: from David and Jean Yost

In Memory of Ron Crandell: from Jeff and Laurie Dykehouse

In Memory of Barbara Hawke: from Alice Bushong

In Memory of Stanley and Muriel McRae: from Bruce and Patricia McRae

In Memory of Diane Strzelinski:  from Edward Strzelinski


In Honor of Ed Pike and Anne Sowers: from Richard Scott

In Honor of Joann Leal: from John and Tory Willoughby

Also visit these organizations which help MSRW in a myriad of ways other than direct funding:

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