Raptor Banding Blind Two – Week 6

The sixth and final week of banding at blind two was slow, only producing three red-tailed hawks and one Cooper’s hawk. However, we did cross the 100-bird threshold on 13 May with a red-tailed hawk. The other highlight of the week was our first Cooper’s hawk of the season on 11 May. The final two days of banding at this blind produced zero birds. We ended the season with 101 raptors banded at blind two. Overall, blind two proved to be at a good site for capturing raptors, especially sharp-shinned hawks, although it is much less productive than the main blind’s location. I am thankful for the opportunity to band raptors in the Mackinac Straits area this spring!

The first and only Cooper’s hawk of the season for blind two, a second year male.

Bird 100 for blind two! A second year red-tailed hawk.

Final Season Totals as of 15 May

red-tailed hawk: 35

sharp-shinned hawk: 59

merlin: 3

broad-winged hawk: 2

northern harrier: 1

Cooper’s hawk: 1

Total captures: 101

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