Raptor Banding Blind Two – Week 5

The fifth week of banding at blind two was successful, with 25 raptors of three species banded: 19 sharp-shinned hawks, five red-tailed hawks, and a broad-winged hawk. We were open for six of the seven days – we were closed on 8 May due to inclement weather. We also posted the highest single day of captures, with 13 birds banded on 4 May.

One of five red-tailed hawks banded during week five. A juvenile is shown here.

Adult broad-winged hawk, the second of the season captured at blind two! Photo by Nick Alioto.

Season Totals as of 9 May

red-tailed hawk: 32

sharp-shinned hawk: 59

merlin: 3

broad-winged hawk: 2

northern harrier: 1

Total captures: 97

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