Hawk Count-September 15th Through 19th

The 16th and 17th both had days with heavy fog, as demonstrated here on the Mackinac Bridge-photo by Jack and Bev Kirby

Raptors: As expected, raptors have picked up significantly. In fact, they’ve been better than expected. After taking 26 days to tally the 1,000th raptor of the season (on September 14th), it was only 3 days later (September 17th), when the 2,000th raptor was tallied. Two days tallied over 300 raptors during the period, and there now have been three days this season that would’ve been 3 of the top 10 daily raptor totals last season. Every top 10 raptor day last year occurred between September 22nd and October 22nd, suggesting we’re in for an excellent season if the weather cooperates. Despite these great days, we are only slightly ahead of last year’s raptor total through this date (2,395 vs 2,287 raptors).

Sharp-shinned Hawks have been the most dominant raptor of the period

September 15th: 255 raptors comprised of 6 species were tallied. Sharpies (136) and Turkey Vultures (84) had a nice day, and the 26 Bald Eagles tallied was good as well.

September 16th: The heaviest fog of the season, combined with a drizzle/mist hampered the count. Only 66 raptors were tallied, most notable of which, were 33 Sharp-shinned Hawks.

September 17th: 325 raptors of 9 species resulted in the second best day of the season (at the time) in terms of total number of raptors and number of species. Broad-winged Hawks had an excellent day (for Pointe LaBarbe in fall). A total of 166 Broad-wingeds were tallied, nearly tripling the previous best day ever for them in fall (previous high 63). Of the 166 recorded, 112 crossed the straits. Sharpies had another strong day, with 114 birds, but no other species moved in notable numbers.

September 18th: The best day of the period and 2nd best of the season. 341 raptors of 9 species were observed. Sharp-shinned Hawks (217) had another amazing day and their current best day of the season. Broad-winged Hawks (62), Red-tailed Hawks (4), and American Kestrels (16) all had their 2nd best days of the season. Twenty-seven Bald Eagles was another solid day as well.

September 19th: There was a light rain until 10:30 and the raptors just never picked up. Only 47 birds were recorded. Sharp-shinned Hawks (33) and American Kestrels (9) made up the majority of the flight.

American Kestrels have started picking up

Non-raptors: The best bird of the period was a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher on the 18th. The best day for geese was on the 17th, with 48 birds. Lots of warblers were flitting around overhead on the days with heavy fog. Waterfowl, Blue Jays, Pipits, and Goldfinches have all increased during the period.

September 16th-Most notable were Northern Shoveler (15), American Wigeon (12), American Golden-Plover (1), European Starling (9), and American Goldfinch (54).

September 17th-Highlights included American Golden-Plover (2), Solitary Sandpiper (1), Eastern Phoebe (1), Blue Jay (12), American Pipit (25), and American Goldfinch (76).

September 18th-Best of the day was Semipalmated Plover (1), Great Egret (1), Pileated Woodpecker (2), Blue Jay (78), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (1), and American Goldfinch (76).

September 19th-Highlights included Blue-winged Teal (80), Lesser Yellowlegs (2), American Pipit (60), and Bobolink (9).

Eastern Phoebe

Monarchs: An amazing, and unexpected, 668 were tallied on the 17th. Another unexpected 278 were tallied on the 18th. These should be the last great days of the season.

Other: Hawkcount.org has been having some issues lately, particularly with the monthly format, but daily raptor totals can still be seen under the homepage.

Best of the next 5 days: They’ve been terrible with predicting rain, but whatever days it doesn’t rain should be the best. Provided that’s the case, then Monday and especially Tuesday currently look best. Tomorrow (Friday) could be pretty solid as well.

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