This week marks one month into the waterbird count. As it stands, a total of 576 migrating Common Loons have been observed! Red-necked Grebes numbers are nearing the thousand mark with 993 tallied (not including resting birds).
This week, Sandhill Cranes and Canada Geese began their mass movements through the Straits. Larger flocks of these species will typically occur closer to midday.
Dabbler sightings are becoming more frequent, particularly Mallard, American Wigeon, and teal. Aythya ducks, including Redhead and Lesser Scaup, have also started to appear in small numbers.
Highlights for this week include a Snow Goose and Cackling Goose, found resting at Bridge View Park on September 20th. Additionally, an immature Parasitic Jaeger was spotted on September 22nd.