Fall Raptor Watch: Week 7

Week 7 of the Fall 2024 Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch has concluded with a total of 5,973 raptors making their way south over the Straits. September also ended with a monthly raptor number of 5,973 birds, on course for September totals of the last few years (averaging about 5,900 counted birds since 2019). The most common species this month were Turkey Vultures, followed by Sharp-shinned Hawks.

Turkey Vultures were also the most common species during week 7, far outpacing other species at 60% of the count of 2,012 birds. Sharp-shinned Hawks were the next most observed raptor, followed closely by Red-tailed Hawks.

September 29 was a gusty day with an active flight, with observers getting excellent looks at hawks moving right over the count site. The daily total climbed to 450 birds, making it the second highest count day of the season. The last day of September saw fewer species and individual birds, but still some decent kettles moving back and forth.

The first of October was a slower day with rain delaying the start of the watch. The total for 10/1 came to 127, with most birds moving when the weather cleared and flying high. The second Golden Eagle of the season was also recorded.

October 2 was only slightly busier with 143 raptors, largely made up of Turkey Vultures. The migration picked up again on 10/3 as the weather improved, and a season high for Peregrine Falcons was recorded at 8 individuals.

Numbers continued to rise for 10/4 at 441 raptors with raptors flying high. Peregrine Falcons came into another season high at 10 birds, and Bald Eagles had an excellent day as well with 45 counted, not quite beating the season high of 53 on 9/21.

The final day of week 7 rounded out at 281 raptors on 10/5. The weather was mostly sunny with high thin cloud cover formed by an abundance of air traffic. This made for an encouraging observation day with raptors against the cloud cover and over the count area as well.

Week 7 has ended with lovely numbers, which hopefully will continue until the migration ends. Come back next week to read about the end of the second month of the fall 2024 Raptor Watch!

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