Fall Raptor Watch: Week 3

With the migration growing stronger each week, the Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch is happy to welcome everyone into our week 3 update of the 2024 fall migration! The weekly number of raptors rose to 493, with Sharpies overtaking Bald Eagles as the most prominent migrators this week. Sharp-shinned Hawks accounted for 34% of birds observed, followed by Bald Eagles and Broad-winged Hawks both at about 21%.

The first day of the week, 9/1, was the busiest day with 134 raptors flying over the Straits. Broad-wings hit their high of the season thus far at 56 individuals. Although the flight was scattered and high, it was a good movement of birds. The Monarchs were also noted to have been moving more than previously, with 116 counted and the taggers netting 28 butterflies as well.

The count began slowing down mid-week, with stronger winds resulting in scattered flights and more distant raptors. September 2 saw mostly Sharp-shinned Hawks, Bald Eagles, and Broad-winged Hawks, along with a good number of passerines. Calvin noted about a dozen warbler species, Gray-cheeked Thrush, and a Philadelphia Vireo. September 3 and 4 slowed down even more, with very little migration occurring. The next day, 9/5, showed slightly more activity. The highlight was a pair of Peregrine Falcons lingering on the low rocky island south of the count area.

The last two days of the week picked up again. September 6 saw more activity, especially during breaks in the cloud cover. The first Red-shouldered Hawk of the season appeared 9/6, and hundreds of swallows also migrated through, although too high to accurately determine species. Finally, 9/7 saw a count of 91 birds, with most of them coming through early before the sky cleared. Sharpies were again the most numerous raptors.

Week 3 was solid, and although mid-week was slow the beginning and end showed a strong migration. The Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch will be looking forward to what the migration brings next week!

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