Fall Raptor Watch: Week 15

This past week has continued the extended Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch, week 15 overall for the fall season. Poor weather and low numbers have made this a very short week, within which we will include December 1st as it is likely the last day of counts. Only three observations were conducted, resulting in a total of 28 raptors.

The count on 11/24 ended with nine raptor sightings; three Bald Eagles, three Red-shouldered Hawks, two Red-tailed Hawks, and one Rough-legged Hawk. Russ Edmonds was the official counter.

The next observation day occurred 11/27, where Russ once again conducted a count and observed six raptors migrating over the Straits. Bald Eagles, a Red-shouldered and Red-tailed Hawk, and a couple Golden Eagles made up the total for the day.

Finally on 12/1, Ed Pike as the official counter recorded 13 migrating raptors between snow showers. Bald Eagles accounted for just over half the day’s birds, followed by Red-shouldered Hawks, Rough-legged Hawks, then a single Golden Eagle.

We would like to thank all our visitors, volunteers, staff, and supporters for a successful 2024! This brings our fall count to an end but keep an eye out for our upcoming season review.

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