Fall Raptor Watch: Week 10

The migration is chilling out along with the temperature for the week 10 Mackinac Straits Fall 2024 Raptor Watch. Numbers are down, with a weekly total count of 1,049 raptors observed. Sharp-shinned Hawks have also overtaken the count as the most common raptors, followed by Red-tails then the Turkey Vultures whose numbers have taken a real dive compared to week 9.

The first day of the week, 10/20, saw strong winds and partly sunny to mostly cloudy conditions. The Sharpies made up most of the 185 daily number, but a good number of Rough-legged Hawks also made an appearance.

October 21 was sunnier, with more variety but still good Sharpie and Rough-legged numbers. The conditions had birds coming right over the count area, giving Calvin and visitors some wonderful views of raptors.

Variable winds on 10/22, along with the incoming cold front, caused the flight to be more idle with fewer birds coming through. However, the insects were out in full force, with an excellent number of Monarchs counted. Other insect species observed included Orange Sulphurs, Green Darners, and several Meadowhawk and beetle species. The raptor migration fell to just a trickle the next day, but did include the second Goshawk of the season.

October 24 picked up again with a slow start, but a pulse in the late morning to afternoon before clouds came in, then another bout of activity when the sunshine returned in the last hour of the watch. The most distinguished observation was what appeared to be a dark-morph Red-tail with a transmitter. The same hawk was sighted again on 10/25, confirming the transmitter and finally crossing the straits in the early afternoon. The third American Goshawk of the 2024 fall season was also observed, a juvenile this time.

The final day of the week saw more strong winds and a high, scattered flight, luckily able to be seen against some nice cumulus clouds. The notable bird of the day was Broad-winged Hawk which had obvious difficulties with its right wing.

Look forward to week 11 at the Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch!

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