Fall Raptor Count: Week 11

This past week wrapped up the month of October and brought us into November. 

These late season conditions are ideal for strong flyers and we are consistently seeing high amounts of red-tailed hawks along with moderate numbers of bald eagles. Over the past week, Calvin counted 523 raptors, 354 of which were red-tailed hawks. Bald eagles made up another 70 observations. 

In a spooooky turn of events, 10/31 was the busiest day of the week, with 196 raptors passing through, despite snow squalls causing a delayed start. There was a nice push of 150 red-tailed hawks. 

A short-eared owl, the third of the season, was spotted on 11/2. 

11/5 was particularly slow (only one red-tail spotted the whole day!), but a pomarine jaeger sighting was the highlight of an otherwise uneventful day.

Things are wrapping up at the count site- 11/15 is the scheduled end of the season, unless we maintain good numbers and have some volunteers to take over Calvin’s role. We hope to see you out there in the next week or two!

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