An early Turkey Vulture

On Feb 23 with the storm moving out and another moving in from the south, I thought some raptors might start moving if it cleared in early afternoon. About 12:30 it got brighter and the clouds began to break up a little. Arrived at Mackinaw at 1:30 with a few small patches of blue starting to show. Saw 3 Rough-legged Hawks move through and then some grey moved in from the N.W. with light drizzle and a few snow flakes. That moved out and a Turkey Vulture moved up and cruised back and forth for a while and then probably went back south (smart bird). Steve Baker showed up about 2:45 in time to see the T.V. before it disappeared. I could see brighter skies to the N.W.; by 3:30 blue could be seen on the horizen to the N.W. With no raptors seen for the last 45 minutes I called it a day.

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