2024 Fall Waterbird Count Week Two

Migration has officially begun! Although the week started off slow it certainly ended with a bang. Strong Northwest winds on Sunday September 1st led to many firsts for the count and brought with it high numbers of common loons and red-necked grebes, with 81 and 84 respectively. We also saw the arrival of some very early red-throated loons at McGulpin point on August 28th, seen in a break during the first rainy day of the season. Weekly totals of common loons were recorded at 205 while red-necked grebes were noted at 169 individuals.
Both dabbling and diving ducks have made their presence known as we recorded the first redhead (8), common merganser (12), green-wing teal (2), Northern pintail (7), and gadwall (2) for the count this week. We also saw 5 more common goldeneye make their way through the straits. Everybody’s favorite bird, the Canada goose, has also started to head South for the winter with a daily high count of 620 geese recorded on August 29th at Graham point. Along with Canada geese, mallards have also been making their way South, with 9 mallards leaving us for the season. Although we are sad to see them leave, they signal the beginning of migration at Mackinac.
These migrants are the first of many this season as we look forward to seeing more of them as the weeks go on.

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