Spring Raptor Watch: Week 9

Week 9 of the Mackinac Strait Spring Raptor Watch was mostly overcast with some sunny weather. April has ended and May has begun, with lots of season firsts for non-raptor birds.

The total number of raptors seen migrating over the Straits in week 9 was 12,318 birds. Broad-winged hawks were again the most sighted species at 10,484 individuals, followed by Turkey Vultures, then Sharpies closely behind.

The Osprey had their best day of the season thus far, with 8 individuals crossing the Straits on 4/28. No count was conducted on 4/29. The rest of the week included many firsts of the season for non-raptor birds, including warblers, sparrows, wrens, and several others. On 5/2 Calvin noted what appeared to be a partially albino Broad-winged Hawk. Although albino Red-tails are somewhat common, he never recalls having seen this color morph in a Broad-wing before. On 5/3 the second Swainson’s Hawk of the season crossed the Straits. Finally, the last day of week 9, 5/4 was the largest movement of Sharp-shinned Hawks for this 2024 spring season, at 275 birds for the day.

Overall, this year’s count for the month of April (26,565 counted raptors) was significantly lower than 2023’s spring April total of 42,311 birds. The April count in 2022 was even lower (15,130 birds) This year’s total is more in line with the number for 2021 (26,861 birds).

Now beginning week 10, we are already nearing the end of the 2024 spring migration! With 5 weeks to go, we hope to see good raptor numbers through the end of the season.

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