Fall Waterbird Count: Week 8 (Oct 8-14)

This week featured strong, consistent winds from the N/NW. Temperatures are dropping, but waterbird diversity remains high during these mid-October flights. 

Surf Scoter (L) w/ White-winged Scoters – McGulpin Point 10/09/2023

Scoters flights are increasingly productive. All three species are currently migrating through the Straits. A notable push of scoters occurred on 10/09/2023 as a result of active storm fronts. During this count, 144 White-winged Scoters were tallied, all flying West. The first Black Scoters of the season were recorded, including an impressive flock of 19! The single day total of 22 represents an eBird high count for the Straits.

Black Scoters – McGulpin Point 10/09/2023

Movements of aythya ducks in the Straits are dominated by Redhead. Scaup (particularly Greater Scaup) are pushing through in smaller numbers. Sightings of Hooded Mergansers and American Black Duck have become more frequent this week. The first flocks of Common Goldeneye for the count were also recorded. 

Daily movements of Red-necked Grebes have now dropped to single digits. Flocks of staging Horned Grebes can still be spotted along the shoreline. 

Horned Grebe – McGulpin Point 10/09/2023

Highlights for this week include another Trumpeter Swan migrating past Graham Point on 10/10/23. A Northern Shrike was observed chasing passerines around Graham Point on 10/08/23.

Northern Shrike – Graham Point 10/08/2023

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