Fall Owl Banding: Week 3

Well, things have certainly picked up here on Point LaBarbe. In just the last week we have caught 102 Northern Saw-whet Owls (NSWO)! Of those 102 NSWO, 15 were recaptures, which are birds that have been previously caught and banded. It has been really neat to see research at work through these recaptures. They provide us with information on where these birds were originally banded and help us track their movements over the years. Some of the places our recaptures were banded include Whitefish Point Bird Observatory here on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Montreal, Ohio, and even one from right here on Point LaBarbe! The weather isn’t looking too promising these next couple of days, but after that we are hopeful for another burst of NSWO movement!

A NSWO caught and banded on 10-4-22.
A NSWO being processed. The facial feathers of these owls are quite intricate!

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