A cloudy overcast day with steady winds from the northeast brought in some great birds on the 29th. Waterbird wise it was quite average with highlights of 319 Long-tailed Ducks and 2 Red-necked Grebes. Throughout the day Rough-legged Hawks moved through with a total of 9 by the end of the day. I also had my first Golden Eagle for the count when an adult flew right over me. A few White-winged Crossbill flocks moved through and I was able to get some great looks at the pink males feeding! But the best bird of the day for me was a lifer Northern Shrike! I was sitting at McGulpin Point beneath one of the spruces when I just happened to glance up and saw a robin-sized bird atop the tree. I only saw it in my bins for a brief second before it flew off but I could still make out its grey underside and its hooked raptor-like bill : )