Mute Swans have increased in the past week or so in the Straits. On the 19th I had a flock of 9 go by McGulpin Point and have been getting 2-6 most days recently. They usually stop and rest on the water sometimes quite far out but never fly straight through. Nonetheless, their abundance has increased signally a migrational movement. Mute Swans were first introduced to North America from Europe in the late 1800s and have since established populations throughout the Great Lakes and New England coast. This species has been on the continent for barely a century and they are already forming migrational movements. I think that it is fascinating to witness the migratory evolution of this species in North America. At this point their establishment is so widespread they are likely going to remain on the continent for a millennia to come. Their establishment will continue to wreak havoc on wetland vegetation and I can foresee nesting competition issues with Trumpeter Swans in the future if their density continues to increase. I believe lethal population control can still hold back their numbers but they are here to stay.