Alright, well the week is up, and so that means it is time to reveal the answer to the first photo, and showcase the second candidate.

This is a black-throated green warbler. Specifically, it is either an adult female or an immature bird. Notice the black streaking down the flanks, and the lack of black throat indicating this isn’t an adult male. There are some obvious signs of molt on this bird on the head, mantle, and coverts, which gives it a somewhat rugged look. Black-throated green warblers also have the dark auriculars, eyestripe, and white undertail coverts that you see on this bird. This species is of the genus Setophaga, which is the largest genus of warblers and encapsulates species across the globe.

Here is the second species for the Armchair Challenge. A couple decades ago, this subspecies was considered its own unique species. However, in 1973, ornithologists concluded that this bird hybridized with too commonly with another species, and they decided to lump the two together. We now have a single species and two very well known subspecies. These birds are common breeding and winter birds across most of the U.S, and breed in Northern Michigan as well. They can often be seen “flycatching” for prey which is a distinctive behavior to identify them even before other characteristics may be seen.
Hope you enjoy!!